After looking at these two covers for the better half of an hour and gone through the gruelling process of deciding which is the better one, I have settled on the second one. By a LOOOOONG shot. The title, as you can tell, is the same in both covers, and the author's name is written in the same bottom-left corner. The only thing that changes is the background. This clearly determines the winner doesn't it? I mean, look at it! The two sisters look like their ready to kick ass. And of course, it can't hurt that they're both so beautiful. I'm guessing the blue-eyed sister is Lia (the protagonist) and the green-eyed sister is Alice (the antagonist, or one of them anyway). The second cover absolutely grabs your attention, while the first just gives you a WTF moment. I personally think that whoever designed the hardcover version was one brick short of a full load. But enough about me. What do you guys think? Seriously.
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